The Pain Free Project is a non-profit that provides affordable, corrective healthcare services for individuals that cannot otherwise afford them through the World Wide Natural Medicine: Pain Free Project. There are clinics in San Diego and soon to be in Tucson. In addition to the clinics, a percentage of affordable sessions are offered at our business through the World Wide Natural Medicine: Pain Free Project. For more information, please contact us.
Volunteering: If you are a practitioner and wish to volunteer your time, please contact us by filling out the form below. There are different ways to get involved. -One way would be to volunteer at the Pain Free Clinic. This would be a once a month, once ever two months or 4 times a year commitment. -Another way would be to become a member of World Wide Natural Medicine: Pain Free Project and offer a certain amount of discounted sessions to clients at your location. To be a part of the Pain Free Project Challenge we are asking 100 practitioners to give 10 sessions at a discounted price within a year.
In the comments please let us know what kind of holistic healthcare service you are volunteering (acupuncture, energy work (Reiki), healing touch, chiropractic, Bowen, etc...)